In October, I organised a photography workshop. I wanted to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. The event was a huge success.  80 photographers attended and raised well over £1000 for Charity.  My talk started with my Best of 2017 slideshow.

I chose the charity, because of one special lady and her darling little boy, Jack West. Poor Jack suffers from Cystic Fibrosis, Children’s Liver disease and Alpha- 1.  Its astounding to me that he always has a smile on his face. He just gets on with things, as does his amazing Mum, Julia.

Julia is also a photographer. She kindly agreed to be one of the speakers for the event. Our industry has always been such a giving and generous group of people and there are so many people I owe thanks to for gifting me their time on helping me to learn my trade. This was another great reason for me to organise the event. I wanted to past that gift on and teach others some of what I have learnt over the years. Its my way of thanking all those people, that have helped me because a thank you just would never be enough.

I also want to make a huge shout out to the events sponsors. Without them it would not have been possible; Graphi StudioLight Blue Software, and 3xm Solutions. All of these companies are incredible at what they do and so it was great for them to come along. They showed us all a little more about what they do.

Being that I have not blogged in forever, I thought it apt to share the Best of 2017 slideshow that I created for the event, as a little overview of what I have been up to recently. The last time I did a summary of my work was 2014 I hope you can see the difference!

